
Contact Centres in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

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Artificial Intelligence revolutionising Customer Experience in Contact Centres through Automation and Personalisation

Emma Sudano

In the current epoch of artificial intelligence, society is experiencing a substantial evolution as artificial intelligence (AI) is disrupting the conventional methods of existence, employment and intercommunication by streamlining processes, augmenting discernment and fostering novel developments and advancements.

This is a vexing conundrum for customer experience (CX) industries that seek to personalise interactions with customers while at the same time realise efficiencies and the limitations of human interaction.

The advent of advanced artificial intelligence capabilities has had a profound impact on customer experience in Contact Centres. Previously considered an “impossible” feat, the ability for a contact centre agent to concurrently manage multiple calls has now become the standard, owing to the implementation of technologies such as chatbots, voice recognition, predictive analytics, AI-powered sentiment and knowledge management systems.

As a result, contact centres have experienced a reduction in lag times and a significant improvement in overall customer experience.

Corporations in a bid to enhance their customer experience, have made substantial investments in AI technology within their contact centres. The expectation was that AI would facilitate the resolution of customer-related issues in a more efficient and effective manner, thereby transforming the contact centre into a more streamlined operation. However, despite billions of dollars being poured into this vision, few companies have received meaningful feedback from consumers. A study conducted revealed that “two-thirds of consumers surveyed by PwC feel companies have lost touch with the human element of the customer experience. Three quarters saying they want more human interaction in the future, not less.”

To address this issue, it is paramount to acknowledge that contact centres achieve optimal results when AI is integrated with human connection. AI has not only created new avenues for increased efficiency and productivity within contact centres, but it has also fundamentally altered the manner in which customers engage and interact with companies.

Revolutionising Customer Service with AI Technology in Contact Centres

The utilisation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for elevating the Customer Experience (CX) is often portrayed as a novel innovation, yet it is actually a rebranding of an age-old technology. In our rapidly evolving world, the paramount objective for retailers is to secure customer satisfaction. As stated by Michael Slyp, General Manager of the CX Business Unit at NTT Ltd., “Today, customer experience is a significant factor in consumer choice. Customers now expect businesses to provide fast and reliable real-time solutions and personalised offerings. Contact centres are the heart of customer service and to meet customers. Growing expectations and leveraging AI is the best way for contact centres to enhance the customer experience. By leveraging AI, contact centres are able to improve customer service at different stages aimed at enhancing the overall customer experience.”

The utilisation of AI enables contact centres to enhance the customer experience at various stages, including:

Predictive Customer Behaviour

Personalised recommendations and assisted services, based on an analysis of prior purchases and actions, offer customers a bespoke experience.

Automated Self-Service with Chatbots

Conversational AI chatbots are equipped to effectively comprehend customer queries and provide the appropriate resolution. In instances where human intervention is required, the chatbot is programmed to transfer the conversation to a live agent.

Real-time Agent Assistance

AI platforms can actively listen in on voice or textual interactions to guide agents in real-time and suggest the optimal solutions. A post-conversation summary capturing key information and outcomes will also be generated for future reference.

Sentiment Analysis using Speech Analytics

By analysing customer and agent conversations, AI can provide insights into the emotional state of the parties involved. This assists contact centres in ensuring consistent quality assurance by reviewing the quality of customer interactions, identifying employees who require coaching to enhance their skills, and revealing any procedural steps that lead to compliance and quality issues.

Navigating the Limitations of AI in Contact Centre Operations

Historically, the penetration of automation and artificial intelligence has resulted in occupational redundancies across numerous sectors, as machines and algorithms have superseded human labourers in executing tasks that were previously executed manually. However, contrary to the widespread concern, AI will not wholly replace human workers. The World Economic Forum’s Jobs Report foresees the creation of “97 million new roles [that] may emerge that are more adapted to the new division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms.”

The integration of AI in the job market presents both advantages and dilemmas for businesses and employees. On the one hand, the augmented utilisation of AI will bring about an increase in efficiency, reduced expenses, and enhanced customer satisfaction, thereby catalysing economic expansion. On the other hand, it also implies that workers will need to acquire novel skills to remain pertinent in the workforce. Businesses, too, must adjust by investing in the retraining and enhancement of their employees and embracing a mentality of perpetual learning.

Both businesses and governments must adopt a proactive approach in tackling the challenges posed by the assimilation of AI in the workforce. This encompasses devising programs and ventures to aid workers in obtaining new proficiencies, and formulating policies to alleviate the potential damaging effects of automation on employment.

The incorporation of AI into contact centres has the potential to enhance customer service operations, but it must be done in conjunction with human customer service representatives who bring special skills like empathy and emotional intelligence. Contact centres can create a consistent and satisfying experience and increase customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and profitability by combining the strengths of AI and human agents.

Chat GPT in Contact Centres

Source: 100% Chat GPT.

ChatGPT, as a language model, can help improve customer experience in contact centres in several ways:


ChatGPT can be integrated into contact centres to handle routine or repetitive queries, freeing up human agents to handle more complex issues.


By using natural language processing, ChatGPT can understand the context of a customer’s question and provide personalised responses, improving the overall customer experience.

24/7 Availability

ChatGPT can operate around the clock, providing customers with support and answers to their questions even outside of regular business hours.

Increased Efficiency

ChatGPT can process and respond to multiple queries simultaneously, improving the efficiency of the contact centre and reducing wait times for customers.

However, it’s important to note that ChatGPT is not a replacement for human agents, but rather a tool to support them and enhance the overall customer experience.

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