Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy has been published to provide a clear and concise outline of how and when personal information is collected, disclosed, used, stored and otherwise handled by Contact Centre Magazine. The Policy relates to personal information collected by any means and by any technology.
Magazines Networks abides by the National Privacy Principles, which provide a scheme in relation to the collection, disclosure, use and storage of personal information. Magazine Networks’ objective is to handle information responsibly and provide you with some control over the way information about you is handled.

1. Collection of Personal Information

Personal information is information or opinion from which an individual’s identity may be ascertained. The nature of personal information collected by Contact Centre Magazine generally comprises an individual’s name and contact details (including address, IP address, phone, fax and e-mail). The primary purpose for collecting such information is to arrange, conduct and promote Contact Centre Magazine’s media activities and provide you with requested products and services.

When you are on a website associated with Contact Centre Magazine, we may use technologies such as cookies to collect information as to your activities on websites associated with the Contact Centre Magazine and/or your IP Address and/or the type of operating system you use and/or the domain name of your Internet Service Provider. If you do not wish for information to be collected through the use of cookies, please disable cookies in your internet browser. Whilst Magazine Networks will attempt to ensure all transfer of data is secure, Contact Centre Magazine cannot be held responsible for the theft of data by a third party, or the consequences resulting from the loss of data where that loss is associated with the technical malfunction, tampering by a third party, viruses, computer bugs, or any action or event beyond the reasonable control of Contact Centre Magazine.

2. Use & Disclosure of Personal Information

Personal information provided to Contact Centre Magazine may be shared with related companies within Contact Centre Magazine. Contact Centre Magazine takes all reasonably practical steps to keep such information strictly confidential.

Contact Centre Magazine may use and disclose your personal information for the purpose for which it was initially collected, as well as for purposes related to the initial purpose of collection if that other purpose would be within your reasonable expectations. Related purposes might include identifying and referring you to products and services and media activities that may be of benefit or interest to you, adding your name to a contact list, internal auditing and administration, adding your name to a guest list or invitation list, or assisting Contact Centre Magazine to carry out auditing, administration, or product enhancement. Additionally, in the event of a re-organization, merger or sale, Contact Centre Magazine may transfer any and all personal information we have collected from you to the relevant third party.

Contact Centre Magazine may also be required to disclose your personal information without your consent if the disclosure is:
a. required or authorised by law;
b. required in order to investigate an unlawful activity;
c. required by an enforcement body for investigative activities; or
d. necessary to prevent a serious and imminent threat to a person’s life, health or safety, or to public health or safety.

3. Personal Information Security

Contact Centre Magazine is committed to keeping your personal information secure, and we will take all reasonable precautions to protect your personal information from unauthorised access, loss, misuse or alteration.

Your personal information may be stored in hard copy documents, or electronically on Contact Centre Magazine’s software or systems.

Whilst Contact Centre Magazine takes all reasonable steps to secure your personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorised access, you acknowledge that all activities in which you intentionally or unintentionally supply information to Contact Centre Magazine carries an inherent risk of loss of, misuse of, or unauthorised access to such information. Contact Centre Magazine cannot be held responsible for such actions where the security of the personal information is not within the control of Contact Centre Magazine, or where Contact Centre Magazine cannot reasonably prevent such incident.

Additionally, you acknowledge that the collection and use of your personal information by third parties may be subject to separate privacy policies and/or the laws of other jurisdictions.

4. Access To Personal Information

You may request access to the personal information Contact Centre Magazine holds about you.
The procedure for gaining access is as follows:
a. All requests for access to your personal information must be made in writing and addressed to the Privacy Officer.
b. You must provide as much detail as possible regarding the business entity, department or person to whom you believe your personal information has been provided, and when. This will allow Contact Centre Magazine to process your request faster.
c. Contact Centre Magazine will acknowledge your request within 14 days, and access will usually be granted within 14 days, or if it is more complicated, 30 days. Contact Centre Magazine will inform you if this timeframe is not achievable.
d. You will be asked to verify your identity.
e. A fee may apply to such access in the event that a request for access is onerous or time consuming. Such a fee will cover staff costs involved in locating and collating information, and reproduction costs.
f. Depending on the circumstances, you may be forwarded the information by mail or email, or you may be required to personally inspect your records at the appropriate place.
g. You will be given the opportunity to correct any personal information that is no longer accurate.
In some circumstances, Contact Centre Magazine may not be in a position to provide access. Such circumstances include the following:
a. access would create a serious threat to safety;
b. providing access will have an unreasonable impact upon the privacy of other individuals or would cause undue embarrassment to other individuals;
c. denying access is required or authorised by law;
d. the request is frivolous or vexatious;
e. legal proceedings are underway;
f. negotiations may be prejudiced by such access;
g. providing access is likely to prejudice law enforcement and/or the protection of the public revenue; or
h. access would reveal a commercially sensitive decision making process.
If Magazine Networks denies access to your personal information, it will provide you with reasons in writing.

5. Changes To This Policy

Contact Centre Magazine may, without notice, change this Policy from time to time for any reason and will update the Policy accordingly. We ask that you visit our website periodically in order to remain up to date with such changes.

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