
OpenAI Launches GPT-4: How It Will Change Customer Experience

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OpenAI, a tech company that specialises in AI development, has launched GPT-4, the latest iteration of its ChatGPT AI. GPT-4 is 40% more accurate than its predecessor, GPT-3.5, and is 82% less likely to respond to requests for disallowed content. These new features make the AI smarter and safer, providing a shot in the arm for existing business applications, as well as opening new possibilities. GPT-4 boasts three new capabilities, namely mimicking, image recognition, and longer context. The new model is slower than the previous version but can parse more intricate data for a higher degree of reasoning and conciseness in response.

Mimicking is the first new feature, and it enables GPT-4 to mimic a writer’s style, making it more creative and collaborative than ever before. This capability allows brands to create a consistent brand voice in the future.

GPT-4‘s second new feature is image recognition. It generates image captions while classifying and analysing them. With this new capability, users could send an image of their problem into the system, such as a skin condition. GPT-4 may then tell them what the problem likely is and recommend possible treatments without a doctor in the loop.

Finally, GPT-4 can handle larger text inputs up to 25,000 words at once. This new feature makes it easier to create long-term content such as blogs, reports, and product manuals.

How Brands are Using GPT-4

Brands are increasingly leveraging GPT-4 to transform their customer service and provide more personalised assistance to customers. With its natural language processing capabilities, GPT-4 enables chatbots and virtual assistants to understand and respond to customer queries in real-time, providing 24/7 assistance and significant cost savings.

By analysing customer data, GPT-4 can offer highly personalised recommendations and solutions that resonate with individual customers. This personalisation can lead to increased customer engagement and loyalty, ultimately resulting in better brand reputation and more sales.

Additionally, GPT-4-powered chatbots can handle basic queries, freeing up human customer service representatives to focus on more complex issues, leading to greater efficiency. As GPT-4 technology continues to evolve, brands will have access to even more sophisticated tools and capabilities to enhance their customer service and provide a better customer experience.

With GPT-4, brands can not only improve their operational efficiency but also create meaningful connections with their customers, resulting in long-term customer loyalty and higher revenue.

GPT-4’s Impact on Customer Experience

The introduction of GPT-4 could potentially revolutionise the way businesses interact with their customers, improving the overall customer experience. One major advantage of GPT-4 is its ability to create a consistent tone of voice across various platforms and engagement channels, which could facilitate the development of conversational AI. This technology could enable bots to mimic empathy and reasoning, enhancing their ability to interact with customers and answer queries more effectively.

Furthermore, GPT-4‘s advanced image recognition capabilities could enhance conversational AI, allowing for more automated responses to customer queries. This could also make biometric capabilities more accessible, which could be beneficial for contact centres to combat fraud.

In addition to these capabilities, GPT-4 could also improve agent-assist functionalities that have already been built using GPT-3.5. This could result in more accurate suggested responses for text-based channels, ultimately improving the overall efficiency of customer support.

OpenAI‘s GPT-4 offers a significant improvement in accuracy, making it smarter and safer than its predecessor, GPT-3.5. The three new features of mimicking, image recognition, and longer context pave the way for new possibilities and use cases. Brands are already utilising GPT-4 to provide better services, and the new capabilities could enhance customer experience by automating customer queries and making biometric capabilities more accessible. Nonetheless, the new model is not perfect and will still make mistakes and invent facts when it has limited data to draw from.

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