
The Rise of Gen Z: Prepare Your Contact Centre for the Next Generation

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As the newest generation entering the contact centre industry, Gen Z brings a unique set of preferences, outlooks, and conditions to the table. Born between the mid-1990s and mid-2000s, these digital natives grew up with technology and social media at their fingertips.

But in light of a global pandemic, Gen Z has become a resilient generation preparing to survive. Gen Z has witnessed a number of failures of the government as well as those of an educational and economic nature. In order for you to attract a new generation of workers, you must prepare your contact centres to cater to younger and more creative people who value innovation and change.

To help prepare your contact centre for Gen Z, we’ve made six key recommendations below.

1. Share and Care

Gen Z employees are looking for more than just a job; they’re seeking personal and professional growth opportunities. To attract and retain Gen Z workers, contact centres should prioritise providing continuous learning and development opportunities, as well as challenging assignments that align with their career aspirations. Business leaders should aim to create a supportive environment that understands the needs and goals of young workers, and actively provide the necessary tools and resources for success. By demonstrating a commitment to their employees’ personal growth and career advancement, contact centres can build a strong connection with Gen Z workers and help them reach their full potential.

2. Embrace Competition

As a result of COVID-19 Gen Z workers are competing with one another now more than ever before. Anna D’Souza, Strategy Consultant from Robotic Marketer discusses the challenge many Gen Z workers will face post-pandemic, “It was hard enough pre-COVID to find a job, but now with a lot of unemployed people, there’s a lot more competition with those who are highly qualified for the job that you’re applying for.” With such strong competition Gen Z workers are now applying for jobs with the mentality that they must beat the next guy or girl to get there. In a way, the embrace of competitiveness has allowed Gen Z workers to develop a strong ‘do it myself’ mentality. Having spent most of the year at home searching job listings, Gen Z workers have developed an independent mindset. To cater to this attitude businesses need to provide Gen Z workers with independent projects that encourage them to think beyond the confines of their job descriptions. By understanding the competitive nature of the current job market and providing opportunities for independent growth, contact centres can attract and retain top talent among Gen Z workers.

3. Prioritise Technology

It’s crucial for businesses to recognise the importance of technological sophistication in attracting Gen Z workers. As a generation that has grown up with advanced technology, Gen Z expects to work in an environment that heavily incorporates it. To stay connected with this tech-savvy group, contact centres must continuously upgrade their workplace technology, including AI-powered tools and solutions. By embracing advanced technology, businesses can attract and retain top talent among Gen Z workers, who are motivated by opportunities to work with cutting-edge tools and solutions. Additionally, incorporating AI into contact centre operations can increase efficiency, accuracy, and customer satisfaction, which can lead to improved business outcomes. Ultimately, businesses that invest in advanced technology demonstrate a commitment to innovation and the future, which can help to create a positive brand image and attract the next generation of workers.

4. Initiate Face-to-Face Communication

Although Gen Z has grown up immersed in technology more than any prior generation, they demonstrate a preference toward face-to-face communication over digital. During the pandemic, virtual meetings and check-in calls may have worked better for older employees, but as we enter a post-pandemic COVID-safe work environment, younger employees will need face-to-face contact. Gen Z workers want to work collaboratively with their colleagues, establishing a real professional connection with them. Businesses can facilitate this by creating spaces that encourage teamwork and communication. From open-plan offices to breakout areas, it’s important to create an environment that fosters human connection and enables Gen Z workers to work together effectively.

5. Promote Diversity and Inclusion

Gen Z is the most diverse generation in history, and they value diversity and inclusion in the workplace. They want to work for businesses that embrace different cultures, backgrounds, and perspectives. A diverse workplace is not only beneficial for Gen Z’s personal development but also increases creativity and innovation within a business. To attract Gen Z workers businesses should create and promote diversity and inclusion initiatives. This could include hiring a diverse range of candidates, implementing unconscious bias training, and providing opportunities for employees to share their diverse perspectives.

6. Encourage Flexibility

Gen Z highly values a work-life balance that allows for flexibility. This means having control over their schedule and the ability to work from any location, at any time. The pandemic has shown that remote work can be effective for many businesses, and Gen Z workers have come to expect this level of flexibility. To attract and retain Gen Z workers in contact centres, it’s essential for businesses to offer flexible work arrangements such as remote work options or flexible hours. By doing so, businesses can show that they value their employees‘ work-life balance, and demonstrate that they are willing to accommodate their needs. This can help to create a positive work environment that fosters loyalty and commitment among Gen Z workers.

As the newest generation entering the contact centre industry, Gen Z brings with them a unique set of preferences and conditions. To attract and retain top talent among this generation businesses must prioritise continuous learning and development, embrace competition and independence, prioritise technology, initiate face-to-face communication, promote diversity and inclusion, and encourage flexibility in the workplace. By doing so, businesses can create a supportive and inclusive work environment that meets the needs and goals of Gen Z workers, while also demonstrating a commitment to innovation and the future.

As the industry continues to evolve, it is essential for businesses to adapt and cater to the expectations of this emerging generation.

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